The Ultimate Coral Dip - effective against bacterial infections and common coral parasites such as AEFW, Monti-Bugs, Zoa Nudis, Bristleworms, Red Flatworms also aids treatment of Bryopsis aka Filamentous Hair Algae, RTN, STN. Not safe for invertebrates other than corals, and fish.
Coral Rx Pro - A different type of coral dip.
Coral Rx was designed by keeping the health of your coral in mind. Our proprietary blend of natural ingredients contains no iodine, which is known to stain corals, nor does Coral Rx contain oxidizers whose by-products are often toxic and continue to react with surrounding tissue. Independent research also questions the effectiveness of iodine treatments.
Coral Rx Pro removes many of the hard to deal with coral pests like Acropora-Eating Flatworms, Montipora-Eating Nudibranchs and Zoanthid-Eating Nudibranchs.
Promotes Coral Health Coral Rx Pro is hard on parasites yet easy on corals making it a perfect prophylactic treatment protecting your coral investment. Whether or not you quarantine your corals before putting them in your aquarium, a dip in Coral Rx decreases the probability of adding a parasite into your aquarium eco-system.
Coral Rx Pro can be used in treating many types of live corals; soft, LPS and SPS. Coral Rx should be used in treating corals that have parasites or other bacterial infections. Additionally, it should be used as a prophylactic treatment before bringing live coral into your aquarium.
Coral Rx Pro is effective in removing the following parasites:
- Acropora Eating Flatworms (AEFW)
- Montipora Eating Nudibranchs
- Bristleworms
- Zoanthid Eating Spiders
- Red Flatworms
Also aids in the treatment of:
- Filamentous Hair Algae
- Rapid Tissue Necrosis (RTN)
- Slow Tissue Necrosis (STN)
- Bacterial Infections & More
Coral Rx Pro should not be used on fish, shrimp, crabs, snails, clams or other invertebrates. We have not tested CoralRxs effectiveness on Acropora Red Bugs.
Shake bottle of Coral Rx Pro. Add 12 drops Coral RX per 1 Liter of saltwater from aquarium. Mix well. Using a small power head, keep the water moving and place coral in the coral dip. If you do not have a power head, gently shake coral in the coral dip. Keep coral in the coral dip for 5 10 minutes. After 5 10 minutes, remove coral and discard the coral dip. Do not reuse the coral dip as parasite may release toxins. Rinse coral with clean saltwater and return to aquarium. Do not add Coral Rx Pro directly into aquarium.
Ingredients: Distilled Water, Proprietary Blend of Natural Extracts. (Coral Rx Industrial contains no distilled water)